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Writer's pictureJamie Keyte

All the baby vocabulary you need!

This is a new series for MM. We've always believed that the trickiest part of getting to a high level of Mandarin is the sheer amount of vocabulary needed. There is so much to learn, and so little time. We will be releasing new lists each week, so please check out the lists that best pertain to you.

Today we will be learning about babies!

To study these words check out our Quizlet page:

Please also check out our new baby classes at our HQ on 70th and Lex (NYC). Email to register.

  1. 婴儿 (yīng'ér) - baby

  2. 幼儿 (yòu'ér) - infant

  3. 婴儿床 (yīng'ér chuáng) - crib

  4. 婴儿车 (yīng'ér chē) - stroller

  5. 摇篮 (yáo lán) - cradle

  6. 奶瓶 (nǎi píng) - baby bottle

  7. 奶粉 (nǎi fěn) - infant formula

  8. 尿布 (niào bù) - diaper

  9. 尿布袋 (niào bù dài) - diaper bag

  10. 湿巾 (shī jīn) - wet wipes

  11. 婴儿游泳池 (yīng'ér yóu yǒng chí) - baby pool

  12. 婴儿沐浴露 (yīng'ér mù yù lù) - baby bath soap

  13. 婴儿衣服 (yīng'ér yī fú) - baby clothes

  14. 婴儿帽子 (yīng'ér mào zi) - baby hat

  15. 婴儿袜子 (yīng'ér wà zi) - baby socks

  16. 婴儿鞋子 (yīng'ér xié zi) - baby shoes

  17. 婴儿手套 (yīng'ér shǒu tào) - baby gloves

  18. 纱布 (shā bù) - gauze

  19. 婴儿床垫 (yīng'ér chuáng diàn) - mattress for baby crib

  20. 婴儿玩具 (yīng'ér wán jù) - baby toys

  21. 婴儿游戏毯 (yīng'ér yóu xì tǎn) - baby play mat

  22. 婴儿书 (yīng'ér shū) - baby book

  23. 婴儿安全座椅 (yīng'ér ān quán zuò yǐ) - baby car seat

  24. 婴儿浴盆 (yīng'ér yù pén) - baby bathtub

  25. 婴儿推车 (yīng'ér tuī chē) - baby carriage

  26. 滴鼻液 (dī bí yè) - nasal drops

  27. 婴儿药 (yīng'ér yào) - baby medicine

  28. 婴儿安抚奶嘴 (yīng'ér ān fǔ nǎi zuǐ) - pacifier

  29. 婴儿毯子 (yīng'ér tǎn zi) - baby blanket

  30. 婴儿枕头 (yīng'ér zhěn tóu) - baby pillow

  31. 照顾 (zhào gù) - to take care of

  32. 喂食 (wèi shí) - to feed

  33. 擦拭 (cā shì) - to wipe

  34. 洗澡 (xǐ zǎo) - to bathe

  35. 换尿布 (huàn niào bù) - to change diaper

  36. 哄 (hōng) - to soothe

  37. 安抚 (ān fǔ) - to pacify

  38. 抱 (bào) - to hold

  39. 带出门 (dài chū mén) - to take out

  40. 睡觉 (shuì jiào) - to sleep

  41. 穿衣服 (chuān yī fú) - to dress

  42. 穿尿布 (chuān niào bù) - to put on a diaper

  43. 镇痛 (zhèn tòng) - to relieve pain

  44. 药膏 (yào gāo) - ointment

  45. 滴眼药水 (dī yǎn yào shuǐ) - eye drops

  46. 疫苗 (yì miáo) - vaccine

  47. 护理 (hù lǐ) - to care for

  48. 体温计 (tǐ wēn jì) - thermometer

  49. 痰吸器 (tán xī qì) - aspirator

  50. 婴儿按摩 (yīng'ér àn mó) - baby massage

  51. 婴儿爬行垫 (yīng'ér pá xíng diàn) - baby play mat

  52. 婴儿床上用品 (yīng'ér chuáng shàng yòng pǐn) - baby bedding

  53. 母乳 (mǔ rǔ) - breast milk

  54. 母乳喂养 (mǔ rǔ wèi yǎng) - breastfeeding

  55. 挂号 (guà hào) - to register for a doctor's appointment

  56. 睡袋 (shuì dài) - sleeping bag

  57. 宝宝沐浴 (bǎo bǎo mù yù) - baby bath

  58. 婴儿防晒霜 (yīng'ér fáng shài shuāng) - baby sunscreen

  59. 预防针 (yù fáng zhēn) - preventative shot

  60. 婴儿洗发水 (yīng'ér xǐ fā shuǐ) - baby shampoo

  61. 婴儿护肤品 (yīng'ér hù fū pǐn) - baby skincare products

  62. 保暖衣 (bǎo nuǎn yī) - warm clothes

  63. 婴儿床褥 (yīng'ér chuáng rù) - baby mattress pad


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