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Everything You Need to Know About Chinese Chopsticks, Chopstick Etiquette, and How to Use Chopsticks

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Chopsticks are shaped pairs of equal-length sticks that have been used as kitchen and eating utensils in most of East Asia for over three millennia. Originating in China, chopsticks later spread to other parts of continental Asia. They are held in the dominant hand, secured by fingers, and wielded as extensions of the hand, to pick up food. But do you know the history and meaning behind them? 

How to use chopsticks

The meaning of chopsticks 

Chopsticks in China are 7.6 inches long (approximately 22-24 cm), representing the seven emotions and six desires of humans. The seven emotions are joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, hate, and desire. The six desires are those of the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind.

Chopsticks come in pairs, representing the balance and harmony of yin and yang. The five fingers used to hold chopsticks represent the five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

One end of the chopsticks is square, and the other end is round, symbolising 'the round sky and the square earth.' We use the round end to put food into our mouths, which signifies that 'food is the primary need of the people.

How to use chinese chopsticks

Ten things you need to be aware of when you use chopsticks

  1. Don't Stick Them Upright in Food:

  • Sticking chopsticks upright into a bowl of rice resembles incense sticks used at funerals and is considered bad luck.

  1. Don't Point with Chopsticks:

  • Pointing at people or objects with chopsticks is considered impolite and rude.

  1. Don't Pass Food Directly from Chopstick to Chopstick:

  • This practice resembles a funeral ritual where bones are passed between family members using chopsticks.

  1. Don't Lick or Suck on Chopsticks:

  • It's considered bad manners to lick or suck on chopsticks, as it appears uncouth.

  1. Don't Stab Food with Chopsticks:

  • Stabbing food with chopsticks is seen as an improper way to handle them, similar to using a fork improperly.

  1. Don't Use Mismatched Chopsticks:

  • Always use a matching pair of chopsticks. Using mismatched chopsticks can be seen as careless or disrespectful.

  1. Don't Play with Chopsticks:

  • Using chopsticks as drumsticks or for any other playful purpose is considered disrespectful.

  1. Don't Pass Food to Someone Using Your Chopsticks:

  • It's better to use serving utensils to pass food. Handing food directly with chopsticks is often seen as unsanitary.

  1. Don't Cross Chopsticks:

  • Laying chopsticks across each other is considered bad luck, as it resembles the symbol for death.

  1. Don’t use chopsticks to pick back and forth on the plate

How to use chopsticks

How to use chopsticks?

  1. Before gripping the chopsticks, align the tips of the two chopsticks.

  2. When using them, only move the upper chopstick.

  3. Gently hold the chopsticks using the thumb, index finger, and middle finger.

  4. Place the thumb next to the index finger's nail.

  5. The nail of the ring finger should rest beneath the chopsticks.

  6. Secure the chopsticks by pinching them between the thumb and index finger.

  7. Leave a distance of 1 centimetre behind the chopsticks.

How to use chopsticks

The History of chopsticks 

Although there’s no precise evidence about the origin of chopsticks, there are three interesting folklore legends about chopsticks:

  1. Yu the Great and the Creation of Chopsticks

One of the most famous legends about the origin of chopsticks involves Yu the Great, a legendary ruler and founder of the Xia Dynasty in China. According to the legend, Yu was leading his people in controlling the floods that ravaged their land. During one of their journeys, Yu was boiling food over an open flame, but he had no utensils to retrieve the hot food from the pot. In his resourcefulness, he broke two branches from a nearby tree and used them to pick up the food. This act is said to have inspired the creation of chopsticks, which then became a common utensil in Chinese culture.

How to use chopsticks

  1. Jiang Ziya and the Magic Chopsticks

Another popular legend is about Jiang Ziya, a famous strategist and advisor in Chinese history. According to the tale, Jiang Ziya was once visited by an old man who gave him a pair of chopsticks with magical properties. These chopsticks had the ability to detect poison. When Jiang Ziya dipped them into food, they would change colour if the food was contaminated. This magical gift not only protected him but also allowed him to save many others from harm. This legend highlights the revered status of chopsticks in Chinese culture, sometimes attributing supernatural powers to them.

the history of chopsticks

  1. The Legend of Daji and the Magical Chopsticks

In ancient China, Daji, the beautiful but malevolent concubine of King Zhou of Shang, created the first chopsticks. She made two slender ivory sticks for the king to help him eat hot food comfortably. These chopsticks had a magical property: they would heat up if they touched poisoned food.

The king was delighted and used them at every meal, unaware of Daji's ulterior motive to manipulate him. Through her influence, corruption and cruelty spread, leading to the downfall of the Shang Dynasty.


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