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All the Vocab you need to discuss jobs and occupations in Chinese
If you are anywhere in the Chinese-speaking world, chances are you’ll get asked what your job is in your first interaction with a native speaker. To discuss professions in Chinese, you’ll need a list of jobs related vocabulary. Whether your job is as an architect, a doctor, a lawyer, or if you’re still a student, there are many unique names of occupations to learn in Chinese.
If you haven’t fully got your head around them yet, don’t worry! We got this entire post dedicated to jobs and occupations in Chinese. Our guide will take you through 250 + Chinese job titles starting from the most common ones leading up to industry-specific occupations.
Moreover, we’ll talk about the grammar rules behind Chinese jobs, share some pro tips on how to effectively memorize them, and go over some useful phrases and sentence constructions for talking about professions in Chinese – in both formal and informal styles.
But first and foremost, let’s learn how to say “job” and “profession” in Chinese.
“Job” in Chinese
The word for “job” in Chinese is:
工作 (gōngzuò)
It’s a typical compound word in Chinese. If you break the word into characters, 工 (gōng) stands for “work”, and 作 (zuò) means “do”. Together, they express the idea of “job”.
You can also use 工作 (gōngzuò) to talk about working as an action. For instance, 我在…工作 (Wǒ zài … gōngzuò) – “I work in/at …” (more on this later)
It’s a good idea to add 工作 (gōngzuò) to your staple Chinese vocabulary, as many other job-related terms in Chinese are built around this word. For example,
job opportunity – 工作机会 (gōngzuò jīhuì)
workplace – 工作单位 (gōngzuò dānwèi)
workday – 工作日 (gōngzuò rì)
job hunting – 找工作 (zhǎo gōngzuò)
“Profession” in Chinese
The word for “profession” in Chinese is:
职业 (zhíyè)
If you take the characters literally, 职 (zhí) means “job”, and 业 (yè) means “occupation”. Together, they express the idea of “profession”, which is essentially an occupation for which you trained.
You can also use 职业 (zhíyè) as an adjective to talk about what you do for a living on a professional basis. For example,
职业作家 (zhíyè zuòjiā) – professional writer
职业歌手 (zhíyè gēshǒu) – professional singer
Just like in any language, you have to learn each job title for Chinese professions separately as neither the word 工作 (gōngzuò) nor 职业 (zhíyè) is attached to any of them. Even so, they are useful for you to learn as you’ll need them to ask someone else what they do for a living.
A Grammar Note on Chinese Professions
Unlike many European languages where occupation names have a masculine form and a feminine form ending in different letters, Chinese profession nouns do not distinguish between the masculine and the feminine.
In fact, Chinese has no concept of “feminine” or “masculine” words. And you won’t have to bother what article to use when stating your profession – Chinese has no articles at all! You simply learn the name of the job title or profession as it is, without any need for extra memorization.
For instance, the word 演员 (yǎnyuán) can be both “actor” and “actress”. The only way to tell if someone is referring to a man or a woman is by having a look at the name of the person or the context.
If you really have to be specific about the gender, you can add 男 (nán) – “male” and 女 (nǚ) – “female” before the profession noun. For instance,
男护士 nán hùshì male nurse
男保姆 nán bǎomǔ male nanny
女服务员 nǚ fúwùyuán waitress (female waiter)
女警察 nǚ jǐngchá policewoman (female policeman)
Complete List of Jobs & Professions in Chinese
Whether you work in China or want to discuss your job with Chinese speakers, there’s a lot of ground to cover. To help you out, we’ll start with a list of job titles for the most common Chinese professions that can serve as a launching point before moving on to more industry-specific vocabulary.
English | Chinese | Pinyin Pronunciation |
accountant | 会计 | kuàijì |
actor/actress | 演员 | yǎnyuán |
analyst | 分析师 | fēnxīshī |
architect | 建筑师 | jiànzhùshī |
artist | 艺术家 | yìshùjiā |
assistant | 助理 | zhùlǐ |
broker | 经纪人 | jīngjìrén |
business owner | 企业主 | qǐyèzhǔ |
chef | 厨师 | chúshī |
company worker | 公司职员 | gōngsī zhíyuán |
computer engineer | 电脑工程师 | diànnǎo gōngchéngshī |
consultant | 顾问 | gùwèn |
designer | 设计师 | shèjìshī |
doctor | 医生 | yīshēng |
engineer | 工程师 | gōngchéngshī |
factory worker | 工人 | gōngrén |
farmer | 农民 | nóngmín |
freelancer | 自由职业 | zìyóu zhíyè |
housewife | 家庭主妇 | jiātíng zhǔfù |
interpreter | 口译 | kǒuyì |
lawyer | 律师 | lǜshī |
manager | 经理 | jīnglǐ |
merchant | 商人 | shāngrén |
musician | 音乐家 | yīnyuèjiā |
nurse | 护士 | hùshì |
office clerk | 办公人员 | bàngōng rényuán |
photographer | 摄影师 | shèyǐngshī |
policeman/woman | 警察 | jǐngchá |
programmer | 程序员 | chéngxùyuán |
public servant | 公务员 | gōngwùyuán |
ranger | 护林员 | hùlínyuán |
realtor | 房地产经纪人 | fángdìchǎn jīngjìrén |
receptionist | 接待员 | jiēdàiyuán |
sales representative | 销售 | xiāoshòu |
scientist | 科学家 | kēxuéjiā |
secretary | 秘书 | mìshū |
shop owner | 店主 | diànzhǔ |
shop assistant | 营业员 | yíngyèyuán |
software developer | 软件开发师 | ruǎnjiàn kāifāshī |
soldier | 军人 | jūnrén |
specialist | 专家 | zhuānjiā |
sportsman/woman | 运动员 | yùndòngyuán |
teacher | 老师 | lǎoshī |
translator | 翻译 | fānyì |
volunteer | 志愿者 | zhìyuànzhě |
waiter/waitress | 服务员 | fúwùyuán |
white-collar worker | 白领 | báilǐng |
writer | 作家 | zuòjiā |
Arts & Entertainment Jobs in Chinese
Can’t find the Chinese word for your job? Then let’s get started on the industry-specific Chinese professions lists.
Here’s the word list for 17 Chinese professions in arts, entertainment, and other creative fields to start you off on the right foot.
English | Chinese | Pinyin Pronunciation |
art designer | 美工 | měigōng |
cartoonist | 漫画家 | mànhuàjiā |
clown | 小丑 | xiǎochǒu |
composer | 作曲家 | zuòqǔjiā |
dancer | 舞蹈演员 | wǔdǎo yǎnyuán |
emcee | 司仪 | sīyí |
fashion designer | 时装设计师 | shízhuāng shèjìshī |
film director | 导演 | dǎoyǎn |
interior decorator | 室内设计师 | shìnèi shèjìshī |
magician | 魔术师 | móshùshī |
model | 模特 | mótè |
painter | 画家 | huàjiā |
pianist | 钢琴家 | gāngqínjiā |
producer | 制作人 | zhìzuòrén |
scriptwriter | 编剧 | biānjù |
singer | 歌手 | gēshǒu |
street artist | 街头艺人 | jiētóu yìrén |
art designer | 美工 | měigōng |
cartoonist | 漫画家 | mànhuàjiā |
clown | 小丑 | xiǎochǒu |
composer | 作曲家 | zuòqǔjiā |
dancer | 舞蹈演员 | wǔdǎo yǎnyuán |
emcee | 司仪 | sīyí |
fashion designer | 时装设计师 | shízhuāng shèjìshī |
film director | 导演 | dǎoyǎn |
interior decorator | 室内设计师 | shìnèi shèjìshī |
magician | 魔术师 | móshùshī |
model | 模特 | mótè |
painter | 画家 | huàjiā |
pianist | 钢琴家 | gāngqínjiā |
producer | 制作人 | zhìzuòrén |
scriptwriter | 编剧 | biānjù |
singer | 歌手 | gēshǒu |
street artist | 街头艺人 | jiētóu yìrén |
painter | 画家 | huàjiā |
pianist | 钢琴家 | gāngqínjiā |
producer | 制作人 | zhìzuòrén |
scriptwriter | 编剧 | biānjù |
singer | 歌手 | gēshǒu |
street artist | 街头艺人 | jiētóu yìrén |
Business & Office Jobs in Chinese
Business and office jobs is probably the most common category among all Chinese occupations. If you are a professional working in the corporate world, you might want to familiarize yourself with the following 35 profession words on the list.
English | Chinese | Pinyin Pronunciation |
account manager | 客户经理 | kèhù jīnglǐ |
agent | 代理商 | dàilǐshāng |
auditor | 审计 | shěnjì |
buyer | 买家 | mǎijiā |
cashier | 出纳 | chūnà |
CEO (Chief Executive Officer) | 首席执行官 | shǒuxí zhíxíngguān |
CFO (Chief Financial Officer) | 首席财务官 | shǒuxí cáiwùguān |
customer service representative | 客服 | kèfú |
department manager | 部门经理 | bùmén jīnglǐ |
director | 总监 | zǒngjiān |
distributor | 分销商 | fēnxiāoshāng |
entrepreneur | 企业家 | qǐyèjiā |
executive | 代表 | dàibiǎo |
general manager | 总经理 | zǒngjīnglǐ |
intern | 实习生 | shíxíshēng |
manufacturer | 生产商 | shēngchǎnshāng |
marketing manager | 市场经理 | shìchǎng jīnglǐ |
marketing specialist | 市场专员 | shìchǎng zhuānyuán |
operator | 接线员 | jiēxiànyuán |
partner | 合伙人 | héhuǒrén |
personal assistant | 私人助理 | sīrén zhùlǐ |
president | 总裁 | zǒngcái |
product manager | 产品经理 | chǎnpǐn jīnglǐ |
project manager | 项目经理 | xiàngmù jīnglǐ |
P.R representative | 公关代表 | gōngguān dàibiǎo |
retailer | 零售商 | língshòushāng |
sales manager | 销售经理 | xiāoshòu jīnglǐ |
seller | 卖家 | màijiā |
stockbroker | 证券经纪人 | zhèngquàn jīngjìrén |
supervisor | 主管 | zhǔguǎn |
supplier | 供应商 | gōngyìngshāng |
telemarketer | 电话销售 | diànhuà xiāoshòu |
trainee | 培训生 | péixùnshēng |
vice president | 副总裁 | fù zǒngcái |
wholesaler | 批发商 | pīfāshāng |
Media & Publications Jobs in Chinese
Media jobs include news anchors to film directors and everything in between. Here’s how you say media and publications-related jobs in Chinese.
English | Chinese | Pinyin Pronunciation |
anchor | 主播 | zhǔbō |
announcer | 播音员 | bōyīnyuán |
columnist | 专栏作家 | zhuānlán zuòjiā |
copywriter | 撰稿人 | zhuàngǎorén |
editor | 编辑 | biānjí |
illustrator | 插画师 | chāhuàshī |
novelist | 小说家 | xiǎoshuōjiā |
reporter | 记者 | jìzhě |
playwright | 剧作家 | jùzuòjiā |
poet | 诗人 | shīrén |
publisher | 出版人 | chūbǎnrén |
web designer | 网页设计师 | wǎngyè shèjìshī |
Construction & Manufacturing Jobs in Chinese
Construction and manufacturing have a big impact on jobs, livelihood, and the economy. Here’s the list of common jobs related to these fields in Chinese.
English | Chinese | Pinyin Pronunciation |
blacksmith | 铁匠 | tiějiàng |
carpenter | 木工 | mùgōng |
civil engineer | 土木工程师 | tǔmù gōngchéngshī |
construction worker | 建筑工人 | jiànzhù gōngrén |
电工 | diàngōng | |
foreman | 工头 | gōngtóu |
inspector | 检验员 | jiǎnyànyuán |
mechanic | 机修工 | jīxiūgōng |
plumber | 管道工 | guǎndàogōng |
surveyor | 勘测员 | kāncèyuán |
technical support | 技术支持专员 | jìshù zhīchí zhuānyuán |
technician | 技术员 | jìshùyuán |
welder | 焊工 | hàngōng |
Education & Science Jobs in Chinese
Whether you’re a 老师 (lǎoshī) – teacher or 科学家 (kēxuéjiā) – scientist, you can find the corresponding Chinese word for your job title with this list.
English | Chinese | Pinyin Pronunciation |
biologist | 生物学家 | shēngwùxuéjiā |
botanist | 植物学家 | zhíwùxuéjiā |
chemist | 化学家 | huàxuéjiā |
economist | 经济学家 | jīngjìxuéjiā |
graduate student | 研究生 | yánjiūshēng |
geologist | 地质学家 | dìzhìxuéjiā |
inventor | 发明家 | fāmíngjiā |
kindergarten teacher | 幼教 | yòujiào |
linguist | 语言学家 | yǔyánxuéjiā |
mathematician | 数学家 | shùxuéjiā |
meteorologist | 气象学家 | qìxiàngxuéjiā |
philosopher | 哲学家 | zhéxuéjiā |
physicist | 物理学家 | wùlǐxuéjiā |
professor | 教授 | jiàoshòu |
researcher | 研究员 | yánjiūyuán |
scholar | 学者 | xuézhě |
school principal | 校长 | xiàozhǎng |
sociologist | 社会学家 | shèhuìxuéjiā |
student | 学生 | xuéshēng |
teaching assistant | 助教 | zhùjiào |
tutor | 家教 | jiājiào |
college student | 大学生 | dàxuéshēng |
zoologist | 动物学家 | dòngwùxuéjiā |
Food & Restaurant Jobs in Chinese
There are many roles available within the food industry. Explore how to say a variety of positions within the food industry in Chinese, including kitchen, server, front and back-of-house jobs.
English | Chinese | Pinyin Pronunciation |
biologist | 生物学家 | shēngwùxuéjiā |
botanist | 植物学家 | zhíwùxuéjiā |
chemist | 化学家 | huàxuéjiā |
economist | 经济学家 | jīngjìxuéjiā |
graduate student | 研究生 | yánjiūshēng |
geologist | 地质学家 | dìzhìxuéjiā |
inventor | 发明家 | fāmíngjiā |
kindergarten teacher | 幼教 | yòujiào |
linguist | 语言学家 | yǔyánxuéjiā |
mathematician | 数学家 | shùxuéjiā |
meteorologist | 气象学家 | qìxiàngxuéjiā |
philosopher | 哲学家 | zhéxuéjiā |
physicist | 物理学家 | wùlǐxuéjiā |
professor | 教授 | jiàoshòu |
researcher | 研究员 | yánjiūyuán |
scholar | 学者 | xuézhě |
school principal | 校长 | xiàozhǎng |
sociologist | 社会学家 | shèhuìxuéjiā |
student | 学生 | xuéshēng |
teaching assistant | 助教 | zhùjiào |
tutor | 家教 | jiājiào |
college student | 大学生 | dàxuéshēng |
zoologist | 动物学家 | dòngwùxuéjiā |
Food & Restaurant Jobs in Chinese
There are many roles available within the food industry. Explore how to say a variety of positions within the food industry in Chinese, including kitchen, server, front and back-of-house jobs.
English | Chinese | Pinyin Pronunciation |
baker | 烘焙师 | hōngbèishī |
barista | 咖啡师 | kāfēishī |
bartender | 调酒师 | tiáojiǔshī |
brewer | 酿酒师 | niàngjiǔshī |
butcher | 屠夫 | túfū |
head chef | 厨师长 | chúshīzhǎng |
head waiter/waitress | 领班 | lǐngbān |
pastry chef | 糕点师 | gāodiǎnshī |
restaurant manager | 餐厅经理 | cāntīng jīnglǐ |
store manager | 店长 | diànzhǎng |
Hospitality & Tourism Jobs in Chinese
From the travel agent who books your flights and accommodation to the housekeeper at the hotel, and the local travel guide who shows you around, here is everything you need to know for saying hospitality and tourism jobs in Chinese.
English | Chinese | Pinyin Pronunciation |
bellboy | 门童 | méntóng |
concierge | 礼宾员 | lǐbīnyuán |
event planner | 活动策划师 | huódòng cèhuàshī |
front desk | 前台 | qiántái |
hotel manager | 酒店经理 | jiǔdiàn jīnglǐ |
housekeeper | 管家 | guǎnjiā |
tour guide | 导游 | dǎoyóu |
travel agent | 旅行代理人 | lǚxíng dàilǐrén |
tourism consultant | 旅行顾问 | lǚxíng gùwèn |
wedding planner | 婚礼策划师 | hūnlǐ cèhuàshī |
Government & Public Service Jobs in Chinese
Employees in every sector of government work for the good of the people. Now let’s delve into government and public service jobs in Chinese.
English | Chinese | Pinyin Pronunciation |
ambassador | 大使 | dàshǐ |
chairman | 主席 | zhǔxí |
customs officer | 海关官员 | hǎiguān guānyuán |
detective | 侦探 | zhēntàn |
diplomat | 外交官 | wàijiāoguān |
firefighter | 消防员 | xiāofángyuán |
government official | 政府官员 | zhèngfǔ guānyuán |
mayor | 市长 | shìzhǎng |
police officer | 警官 | jǐngguān |
politician | 政治家 | zhèngzhìjiā |
social worker | 社工 | shègōng |
senator | 参议员 | cānyìyuán |
spokesperson | 发言人 | fāyánrén |
traffic officer | 交警 | jiāojǐng |
urban management officer | 城管 | chéngguǎn |
Healthcare & Medical Jobs in Chinese
The healthcare sector is booming in China, due to a growing population that will require increasing care with age. There are a variety of jobs in the healthcare industry. In the following chart, we list 18 common job titles in Chinese in the healthcare and medical fields.
English | Chinese | Pinyin Pronunciation |
beautician | 美容师 | měiróngshī |
chiropractor | 正脊师 | zhèngjǐshī |
dentist | 牙医 | yáyī |
hairdresser | 理发师 | lǐfàshī |
makeup artist | 化妆师 | huàzhuāngshī |
massage therapist | 按摩师 | ànmóshī |
nutritionist | 营养师 | yíngyǎngshī |
optician | 眼科医生 | yǎnkē yīshēng |
paramedic | 护理人员 | hùlǐ rényuán |
pediatrician | 儿科医生 | érkē yīshēng |
pharmacist | 药剂师 | yàojìshī |
physician | 内科医生 | nèikē yīshēng |
psychiatrist | 心理医生 | xīnlǐ yīshēng |
psychologist | 心理学家 | xīnlǐxuéjiā |
stylist | 造型师 | zàoxíngshī |
surgeon | 外科医生 | wàikē yīshēng |
TCM practitioner | 中医 | zhōngyī |
veterinarian | 兽医 | shòuyī |
Legal & Law Jobs in Chinese
The legal field offers many jobs encompassing a diverse range of skills, experience, and education. Here’s how you say legal and law-related jobs in Chinese.
English | Chinese | Pinyin Pronunciation |
attorney | 律师 | lǜshī |
judge | 法官 | fǎguān |
legal advisor | 法律顾问 | fǎlǜ gùwèn |
mediator | 调解员 | tiáojiěyuán |
medical examiner | 法医 | fǎyī |
paralegal | 律师助理 | lǜshī zhùlǐ |
prosecutor | 检察官 | jiǎncháguān |
attorney | 律师 | lǜshī |
judge | 法官 | fǎguān |
legal advisor | 法律顾问 | fǎlǜ gùwèn |
mediator | 调解员 | tiáojiěyuán |
medical examiner | 法医 | fǎyī |
paralegal | 律师助理 | lǜshī zhùlǐ |
prosecutor | 检察官 | jiǎncháguān |